Evan & Kristin arrive in Montana

Saturday, April 5, Evan and Kristin arrived in Montana. After spending a night in the Sacajawea Hotel in Three Forks, they headed for Browning Montana. It is on the Blackfoot Reservation.

They will be spending a month there working in the clinic. They don't receive any pay, but they are provided with travel allowances and a nice apartment. I supplied an old pickup for their travels.

A week later we rendezvoused in Whitefish, cross country skied at Big Mountain Ski Area and hiked in Glacier National Park. It was quite warm for this time of year, in the sixties. The locals like the warm weather for a change but were concerned about flooding if is persists. In the Park, bike riding and walking on the plowed dry roads was especially nice as they were not yet open to vehicle traffic.


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